Saturday, November 24, 2007

Flooded roof/Thanksgiving/Jerusalem v2.0

My coworker lives in a 7th & 8th floor penthouse with a couple balconies, a bomb shelter, and a nice view.
It rained really hard for 3 days. When we walked upstairs after those 3 days, we discovered that the drain was blocked. This is not good for the balcony, or the apartment.
First he went to see what the problem was:
Then he danced back inside:
Then he got a big metal rod to try to clear the drain:
This didn't work, so he called a plumber. That done, we walked to dinner, and saw this cool building on the way:

Thursday night was Thanksgiving in America... not so much here. But, I took myself down to the beach and ate a meal as close as I could find to Thanksgiving dinner: chicken, salad, potato, apple tart. It was a good dinner, and a nice view of the water, and my waiter was cute. Not quite the same as being at home, but it'll do for now. At least I get to be home for Christmas :) That's more important to me.

Yesterday we went to Jerusalem again, because it's cool. First we had to wait for a bunch of crazy marathon runners to go by.Then we went to Jerusalem. Here are some religious people:and some frankincense and myrrh
and a street in the old city, with a tractor signand a random Erin in Jerusalem picture.

The weather lately has been a little chilly (notice the jacket in the picture above). But this morning it was sunny and warm! so I went outside to lie in the sun, and it was very nice. Then I went hashing again, and it was good exercise.

Now back to work tomorrow, less than a month left here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You think you get to go home for Christmas, that's if I make it back there. As least you'll get to leave when your cube mate gets there a couple days after Christmas.