Saturday, November 3, 2007

Visiting Up North

I got my other pictures from yesterday, which will probably be used as blackmail by one of you at some point. Check out yesterday's edited blog to see them.
Today we drove up north to Golan Heights. Sometimes it snows there in the winter. In the Middle East. Yep.

First we went to Caesarea, a town which King Herod built to honor Caesar. I hadn't expected to see Roman ruins here, but it makes sense, since they took over the entire world. I learned that sarcophagus means "flesh eater". See the aqueduct:

Then we went to Armageddon. Yep, that's right, I've been to the end of the world. Here they call it Megiddo; it's the hill that overlooks the valley where the final battle will take place. Here I am, at Armageddon. I also drove through that valley... there were some cows. I hope they are fire-proof.
Then we traveled over to the Sea of Galilee, but walking on water is slightly beyond my capabilities, so I just took a picture. That is the town of Tiberius in the foreground.
From there we ate falafel (yum), and then went to see Jesus be baptized. Okay, not really. But we saw a whole bunch of people getting baptized in the Jordan river, "near the spot where Jesus was baptized". That's what the sign said anyway. A lot of places over here are approximate, based on writings from the bible. I guess the geography matches pretty well though. Everyone seems to think so, based on the line of people visiting:
I think they brought their own priests. But you can also rent one if you need to, so don't worry about bringing your own with you when you travel over here.

I thought about going to touch the water, but then I saw these fish. No way was I going anywhere near there.

On our way home, I almost died in a minefield. Luckily I saw this sign in time though, and ran back safely.

I am just kidding, Mom! We were driving on the very safe, paved road and stopped to take this picture. From outside the fence. I promise...


Demian said...

Those are holy fish, they wont attack.

Demian said...
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Shane said...

I don't have anything witty to say, but I wanted to let you know that I am following Erin. Your pictures are awesome, albeit slightly blurry. Hm...I've never used the word 'albeit' before. I'm proud of myself.

I hope to see more pictures of people lining up to be drowned by priests in the near future.

And apparently I have a blogger account...? Maybe it's just really smart and knows who I am.