Monday, October 28, 2013

More animals

There were some funny little animals in the Amazon. This guy is an insect but he looks like he belongs at the bottom of the ocean.

Since there are lots of insects, there are lots of bats to eat them. This bat is cradling a baby bat.

The bat was hanging in a fallen log in Frog Valley. Also in Frog Valley were lots of little poison dart frogs.

They were so tiny! But our guide was good at spotting them. When he was moving one of the leaves, this little guy hopped up onto his arm.

We went searching for birds with funny hair.

We found them at a lake that recently filled in with vegetation. There are little birds that are so light they can run around on top of the vegetation. They are skittish though, as they have to avoid the caimans, so they jump and scream any time something moves nearby.

This rodent found a nice hole to hide in to sleep for the day. He is hiding from birds of prey... this black-collared hawk. Hopefully the hawk leaves him alone.

We found a river otter on a log. Then he dove into the water and swam downstream to a different log, and then dove back into the water and swam back upstream to the first log... I'm not sure if he was playing or if he does that when the boat is not around also.

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