Monday, October 28, 2013

Into The Amazon

I took many excursions through the jungle looking for animals.

Sometimes there were bridges.

BearDog helped search too.

On one of the trips I got mauled by a jaguar with 3 teeth.

Okay, actually it was from a tree. But it was a serious tree that was defending itself. I had to pull 3 of the little spikes out of my shoulder.

Things grow very fast in the Amazon. To get past this area, one of the guides had to cut the trees with his machete. They did not give me a machete.

On the first morning at the lodge I saw pygmy marmosets, which are the smallest monkeys in the world. They like to eat the sap from this breakfast tree (with the holes in it). One of them was carrying two babies on his back as he hopped around the trees, but he was too quick for me to get a photo.

Our guide searches for animals in the treetops. Most of the animals we saw were birds and monkeys, and they liked to be up high.

On that same excursion when I saw the pygmy marmosets, I saw night monkeys. Since it was morning, they were preparing for a long day's sleep.

Later that morning, I did the canopy zipline, like Sean Connery in Medicine Man. I was very nervous. They didn't tell me until I got all the way up there that I had to jump off the platform. (I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't that.)



Shane said...

It looks like the jaguar gave you a very big scar as well.

Erin said...

It was a close call.