Monday, October 28, 2013


Iquitos can only be reached by boat or airplane because it is deep in the Amazon Jungle. The city consists of two houses and a boat.

It rains pretty much every day. When driving a mototaxi in the rain, it is more important to stay dry than to be able to see.

The hotel I stayed at stored my steamer trunks in the library.

This is not the Amazon River. 

Iquitos pretends to be on the Amazon River, but it's not. The river shifted a while ago and Iquitos is on a little river next to the Amazon.

This is the Amazon River. It contains a pink dolphin.

This is also not the Amazon River. 50 miles up the Amazon River and then another 40 miles up the Tahuayo tributary is the Tahuayo Lodge.

This was my room.

It looks peaceful but don't be fooled. There are no windows and there are many noise-making animals, possibly more at night than during the day.

Everything is on stilts because the river floods in the rainy season. They play underwater volleyball when that happens.

The trees grow multicolored because of the flooding.

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