Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

I have been waiting to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter since I read the first book, and conveniently Universal Studios Orlando created one such world. First stop, Hogwarts Castle! It's the first thing you see when you cross into Harry Potter World. Although I have watched the movies, it's totally different seeing it in person (and much better, of course).

The details in the whole park were great. They even have the hog gargoyles guarding the entrance to the castle. Thankfully they let me through.

The butterbeer tasted mostly like I imagined it would, but really sweet. Sadly I had to evanesco some of it.

After the Hogwarts Castle ride (Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey - awesome), I headed into Hogsmeade, the wizarding village which is just a short walk away.

I did some wizarding shopping and sightseeing (quite a bit, actually), and then the Hogwarts Express rolled into town. I didn't book a ride this time (why would I want to leave?) but I did get a chance to meet the conductor. He was a nice guy... which I discovered after I translated his English into American!

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