Sunday, November 6, 2011


This is a famous contemporary Japanese garden, in real-life Japan.

Cookie Monster borrowed Bear-Dog's hat, he was chilly. It's a good thing they're pals.
This was another garden in front of a temple. Bear-Dog and Cookie Monster are brave!
Celica! This is only the second one I've seen in two weeks in Japan... Japan Celica rate = 1/week. Less than the USA, surprisingly. Maybe they're not marketed here. Or possibly too old.
This is a famous bridge, the "moon-crossing" bridge, Togetsu-kyo. I don't know why. It looks like a normal wooden bridge to me.
There was a game store in Kyoto with all sorts of games, including N64 games (and GameBoy, Famicom, and Playstation 2 games)! I bought Star Kirby, which hopefully doesn't have a story line that is too involved.

Bamboo forest.

Golden Pavilion. It's made of real gold. I bet it's shiny when the sun is out, but I was there right before sunset on a cloudy day. (It was still gold though.)
It's good luck to toss a yen coin into the bucket... Cookie Monster offers a cookie instead!
Nabe party at Demian's house! Pork and tofu and lots of vegetables cooked in hot broth. Mmm.

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