Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Since I’m living in a hotel, I eat at restaurants every night. The other night I sat outside under a very warm heater. It was actually pretty nice. I was on the harbor, looking out at the ships, bridge, and tons of people walking by. There were people all dressed up walking to the opera, people looking for dinner and checking the posted menus, people jogging, teenagers being teenagers…
[this isn’t the view, but it’s me at night. close enough]

Also I positioned myself so I could see part of the sky over the city skyline, and I got to see the Southern Cross constellation. This is big for me since that checks off a Life Goal. It was pretty easy for me to spot, because I’ve been seeing it for days on flags all over the place.

Also the other night (a different night, as I did not eat dinner twice), I sat in a restaurant with a view of the bridge from the other side (that would be North), and a view of an amusement park right next door (as seen in the window reflection). There’s also a pool right below the ledge, but you can only see a small corner of it. I did not swim there, because it is cold here.

It appears that the some of the maids at this hotel have a good sense of humor like the ones in Tel Aviv did.

So, do you remember when I was saying that driving is a bit challenging here? Well, now that I’m on my second week I can’t say it’s natural to me, but I’m managing fine. However, here is a picture description of why it took me a few days. Anything look wrong to you?

1 comment:

Shane said...

It seems that blogger is showing a mirror image of your car picture for some reason. You should check into that.